Anyone else dismayed by the fall of craigslist usage in the city, apparently replaced by Facebook Marketplace?

I’ve been using craigslist to buy and sell stuff since 2006. It’s great. Simple, no-frills, no algorithms, and generally does what it needs to do.

Nowadays, craigslist in NYC is a ghost town for buying and selling. When I search for similar queries on Facebook Marketplace vs. craigslist, I get 10x more results.

I’m flummoxed. Facebook Marketplace is horrible.

As soon as you post, you’re bombarded with inbound bot spam from fake accounts wanting to buy your items The algorithm is idiotic: they want to try to suggest what you should be looking at rather than having a working search function. This leads to a bunch of items that hot girls are selling because mouthbreathers clicked on the image of the hot girl. Sort by recently posted does not work The listings don’t expire – you are plagued by people who leave them up even after they’ve been sold The interface is overly complex and requires too many steps to list an item

I’m most stupified at Facebook Marketplace’s inherent popularity in the city because you have to have a Facebook account to use it — who uses Facebook anymore?!

submitted by /u/Liface
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