What’s your crazy, one in a million, nyc real estate story?

I’ve lived here for 15 years and seen a lot of iterations of the nyc real estate market. I was talking to a friend who recently moved here about their experience finding a place and the usual themes came up e.g. cost, quality etc.

It reminded me of a story when I was in college in ~ 2008. A friend had been scanning Craigslist looking for someone in need of a roommate. He needed to live near campus and his budget would never have allowed him to live alone. He was feeling pretty exasperated with the process having replied to some pretty shady posts out of desperation.

He comes to this one listing posted with what felt like an overtly bait-y title. “3BEDROOM 2.5 BATHROOM. DUMBO. CITY VIEWS. MOVE IN NOW. $2700” He was so fed up with his experience that he felt like exacting his revenge. He responded wanting to waste their time as he felt his time was wasted. The email he got back had two “CALL _phone number_”.

So he called and an elderly Vietnamese woman picked up. She said “you want to see the apartment? Come here tomorrow.” He was certain he was going to be harvested, but he felt in too deep so he brought me along. And sure enough the apartment was real. The sweetest, Loveliest woman met us and basically had lived in queens since she emigrated here. The story we got was Her son was a banker dude that died. She inherited his apartment and didn’t know what to do with it. My friend was the only person to have called about it. She priced it low because she just wanted someone nice to live there.

He didn’t necessarily want to live in dumbo but the deal was too good to pass up. Lived there for 3 years in a brand new doorman building in dumbo. She cooked for him every Wednesday. He only left because we graduated and he moved cities.

I feel like there are likely tons of stories like this in the city

submitted by /u/SardinesForHire
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