How do I sneakily move out of my apartment?

I currently live in my mom’s 2-bedroom apartment with my sister and her giant family (her fiance, two kids, and another one on the way) and they are doing everything in their power to keep me there.

I just graduated college, and while in college my sister moved in with her family and got extremely comfortable. She told me she’d move out by the time I came home so I’d have space, but that was a complete lie. I have absolutely no space in my house (no bed, no room for myself or any possesion) and I want to move out. The issue is they don’t want me going anywhere.

While I was in college, they were collecting section 8 since my mom couldn’t work her job cause of Covid due to her being immuno-comprimised. My sister was mainly paying the rent, which was only around 500 a month, and this gave her ample time to save money. Did she do this? No, instead she had all three of her kids in that four year span and saved nothing. The issue is now she’s relying on me to help fuel her happy life.

I recently started a job and I’m getting paid, just okay (43,000 annually after taxes) and she wants me to use that money to help her pay rent since we won’t qualify for section 8 due to my increase of pay. I’m not trying to pay rent for an apartment where I have no space, responsibilities that aren’t my own, and unnecessary stress, poking and proding, and other actions of annoyance.

I’ve saved around 8,000 from working in college and my jobs from graduating and I’m looking for an apartment, but I can tell I’m serverly ignorant in the process and don’t really know how to un-ignorant myself and so help with this would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/QuebecWrecks
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