TikTok Influencers Calling Semma Undeserving Of Michelin

Two famous TikTok influencers with almost 500k followers (VIP List) known for going to restaurants and reviewing them called Semma undeserving of a Michelin star, said their “mystery sauce” made them blind like Helen Keller when it got in their eye, talked about how they missed “tiki masala” even though they get the restaurant is southern Indian and had no faith in the Michelin system because of this. I’m not saying Semma is the best Indian restaurant there is but it’s South Indian and these famous influencers have only reviewed 2 other Americanized Indian restaurants. I definitely think this is microaggression and very damaging to a well established Indian restaurant that is the only Indian restaurant in NYC with a michelin

submitted by /u/Equal-Condition-4345
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